Well I don’t have trust that any politician will fix any of this so I’m not voting. And I find it totally strange to participate in a protest, peaceful or otherwise, since I’m still flabbergasted that you need a permit to protest in this country.
I think it’s gonna get worse before it gets better, John. I’ve been through this ride before, although on a much smaller scale. It’s pretty bumpy. Strap in!
Indeed! I found out yesterday that old friends I hadn’t seen in a decade (very pro-jab, pro-Biden) were quietly reading my blog. Not sure if it’s making dents yet, but they haven’t stopped reading so, progress?
Your content is entertaining and high quality. At least you have readers. {smile} Maybe I need to work more on being "entertaining"?
Progress is hard to measure. Some days I feel like we are making progress, other days I feel like we are just the iceberg waiting for the Titanic to hit us. The people onboard the Titanic are too busy with their petty dramas to bother to look up and take notice.
I love your content because it’s simple to digest and easy to consume. How can I pass on a complex subject made simple that I can read in under three minutes? Sometimes, as much as I love a writer, committing 30 minutes to read an article requires me making time for that. I can’t just read it while I’m in the waiting room for the dentist. And sometimes, longer articles are destined for my long walks with my dog at which time I’m destined to listening to the audio only (which is not my favourite way to take in information.)
Your articles are informative and entertaining. As far as readers… it’s hard on Substack since so many writers have overlapping and competing audiences. I only have about 1,500 subs, but I’d say only about a third engage on and off, with two dozen or so most committed. And what set me apart early on wasn’t my writing. I got most of my readers from doing videos. Which I’m realising I should maybe get back into doing more often. Otherwise, I don’t think I’m providing much writing content that stands out from the excellence of writers of SS.
If this helps, this is how I usually sub to new writers: I would read a comment from a writer that I thought was insightful. Sometimes, that writer posts a link to a something relevant they wrote in that comment and I would read it. If I like the article, I’d read one more to make sure the quality was somewhat consistent. And then I’d sub. I’ve also picked up some writers from Notes which I’m not the best at checking. But I wouldn’t come across some writers if it wasn’t for Notes.
Self promotion is tricky. To me, it’s often a turn off unless it’s done cleverly and without being pushy and obnoxious. I’m terrible at it myself. My own real life friends and family don’t sub to my stack. I know 5 people in real life who follow me.
Sorry about my long winded comment. I’m about to go out and garden for the day. Will send you a picture of the big art project I’ve been working on in my backyard. 🤗
Well I don’t have trust that any politician will fix any of this so I’m not voting. And I find it totally strange to participate in a protest, peaceful or otherwise, since I’m still flabbergasted that you need a permit to protest in this country.
I think it’s gonna get worse before it gets better, John. I’ve been through this ride before, although on a much smaller scale. It’s pretty bumpy. Strap in!
"trust" and "politician" don't really belong in the same sentence! {laugh}
It is hilarious that you can only protest with *permission*. (I'm pretty sure a few of our protests didn't have permits.)
Yes, it will get worse before it gets better. That's something that I think most Americans do NOT comprehend.
Being a global power leaves your people unprepared. I’m trying to warn my friends but it all falls on deaf ears.
"Deaf ear syndrome" is very widespread!
We should continue to write our substack articles and continue to make new friends!
Indeed! I found out yesterday that old friends I hadn’t seen in a decade (very pro-jab, pro-Biden) were quietly reading my blog. Not sure if it’s making dents yet, but they haven’t stopped reading so, progress?
Your content is entertaining and high quality. At least you have readers. {smile} Maybe I need to work more on being "entertaining"?
Progress is hard to measure. Some days I feel like we are making progress, other days I feel like we are just the iceberg waiting for the Titanic to hit us. The people onboard the Titanic are too busy with their petty dramas to bother to look up and take notice.
I love your content because it’s simple to digest and easy to consume. How can I pass on a complex subject made simple that I can read in under three minutes? Sometimes, as much as I love a writer, committing 30 minutes to read an article requires me making time for that. I can’t just read it while I’m in the waiting room for the dentist. And sometimes, longer articles are destined for my long walks with my dog at which time I’m destined to listening to the audio only (which is not my favourite way to take in information.)
Your articles are informative and entertaining. As far as readers… it’s hard on Substack since so many writers have overlapping and competing audiences. I only have about 1,500 subs, but I’d say only about a third engage on and off, with two dozen or so most committed. And what set me apart early on wasn’t my writing. I got most of my readers from doing videos. Which I’m realising I should maybe get back into doing more often. Otherwise, I don’t think I’m providing much writing content that stands out from the excellence of writers of SS.
If this helps, this is how I usually sub to new writers: I would read a comment from a writer that I thought was insightful. Sometimes, that writer posts a link to a something relevant they wrote in that comment and I would read it. If I like the article, I’d read one more to make sure the quality was somewhat consistent. And then I’d sub. I’ve also picked up some writers from Notes which I’m not the best at checking. But I wouldn’t come across some writers if it wasn’t for Notes.
Self promotion is tricky. To me, it’s often a turn off unless it’s done cleverly and without being pushy and obnoxious. I’m terrible at it myself. My own real life friends and family don’t sub to my stack. I know 5 people in real life who follow me.
Sorry about my long winded comment. I’m about to go out and garden for the day. Will send you a picture of the big art project I’ve been working on in my backyard. 🤗