Yes, unless you do blood tests to observe things like fibrinogen levels, it's unlikely you'd notice a rapid change. But hey, who knows, miracles do happen! Sometimes quickly.
Industrial Medicine is clueless about Duputrens (no cure, some blame on genetics). This is one of those issues where we need to think outside the box (outside industrial medicine!).
Proteolytic enzymes certainly seem like a good initial approach to try. Don't overlook lumbrokinase, it may be "expensive" but we have to look at cost relative to effectiveness. A cheap product isn't really cheap if it doesn't work.
Another idea to consider: "Red Light Therapy"
Also I've always felt that cellular communication is critical. Cells need to be able to communicate with neighboring cells. Thus cell membrane health is critical and this depends a lot on fatty acids.
It’s probably gunna take a few months to see a difference but I will definitely do it.
Yes, unless you do blood tests to observe things like fibrinogen levels, it's unlikely you'd notice a rapid change. But hey, who knows, miracles do happen! Sometimes quickly.
Thanks John. Lumbrokinase looks promising.
Give it a whirl and let me know if you have benefits from it!
John this is of interest to me. I have Duputrens which I think is related to fibrinogen.
Natto is a good start I guess.
I’m gunna look into it
Industrial Medicine is clueless about Duputrens (no cure, some blame on genetics). This is one of those issues where we need to think outside the box (outside industrial medicine!).
Proteolytic enzymes certainly seem like a good initial approach to try. Don't overlook lumbrokinase, it may be "expensive" but we have to look at cost relative to effectiveness. A cheap product isn't really cheap if it doesn't work.
Another idea to consider: "Red Light Therapy"
Also I've always felt that cellular communication is critical. Cells need to be able to communicate with neighboring cells. Thus cell membrane health is critical and this depends a lot on fatty acids.