Jul 31, 2023Liked by John Wright


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I'm too tired to comment (right now) -- may come back later and reply.

Good stuff -- keep writing...

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Thanks for the encouragement. It's valuable to know people are enjoying my writing.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by John Wright

Does the book get into anything about what I call the "mob theory" of people? Where a person by themself is smart, rationale, ethical, etc, but a mob lacks rationality, morality, ethics, etc and generally stirs itself into a destructive, mindless fervor...or in other words, is stupid AF.

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That’s an interesting theory .

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No, the book doesn't get into that.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by John Wright

How do masks hurt ? And is following directions stupid ? If someone wears a mask they’re not only protecting themselves but others ? Is that stupid actions or stupid thinking ? Or intelligent actions and intelligent thinking ?

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Good questions. Let me answer how wearing masks hurts quickly although that probably should be an article to itself although many others have answered this in various ways.

a) Wearing a mask encourages government officials to impose tyranny. Mandates are for *emergencies* (like for a day or two), there is no such a thing as a "permanent emergency".

b) Wearing a mask encourages fear in other people.

c) Wearing a mask obstructs non-verbal communication. You can't see someone smile.

d) Wearing a mask obstructs verbal communication. It reduces our ability to understand what someone else said (increasing mistakes, frustration and stress)

e) Wearing a mask decreases oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange. (reduces health)

f) Wearing a mask restricts expulsion of pathogens. Any trapping of bacteria or viruses increases re-inhaling them, thus increasing pathogenic load (making you sicker).

g) Wearing a mask encourages touching your face more.

h) Wearing masks and disposing of them creates more biohazard materials / pollution.

i) Wearing masks wastes money / productivity (to produce and ship the masks)

j) Wearing masks is even more harmful for children as they depend even more on non-verbal communication (seeing the warmth of a smile or the hint from a frown)

k) Wearing masks encourages mass compliance rather than individual intelligent thought.

l) Wearing masks (as point b) increases fear which leads more people to get dangerous and unnecessary experimental shots.

m) Wearing masks increases inhaling of harmful fibers and chemicals used in manufacturing the masks.

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by John Wright

Excellent list.

Wearing a mask also easily identifies who are easy targets for propaganda and who isn’t. The tyrants can easily discover how effective their control system is working.

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This is part of why I firmly believe we have to "just say no" rather than complying with the "well, it's less hassle to go along with it for now". Unfortunately our recent election basically sent the signal "okay, we comply, we want tyranny because we are scared".

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Ah yes compliance vs intelligence . You have some really good points , my favorite is being a mandate should be for emergencies only , a couple of days or so. I do think we are harming more then helping with these mandates . I think it’s crazy that breathing in through a mask is deemed healthy . I think people forget that there is a bigger picture going on .

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Compliance is largely letting someone *else* think for you. Thus why I accuse a lot of people as being "lazy" (or uneducated).

Masks do of course "work" in certain situations (like preventing a surgeon from spitting into an open incision or reducing the dust inhaled in an industrial setting) but they are useless for prevention of spread of a virus. (Note: there is a world of difference if you are actively sick with a virus and thus trying to reduce spread to others, vs perfectly healthy walking around in a grocery store)

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Yes , so I do understand that compliance is non thinking for yourself and hurtful of others and yourself so that would be stupid . And masks work in certain situations are fine but when did wearing masks healthy and not healthy become the intelligent idea . I think it’s easy to be compliant and it’s “risk “ free , but is it right ? Is it intelligent? Is it harmful , or helpful ?

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It is my understanding that there was only one "study" ever (from Indonesia) that purported to show that masks did anything as it related to viruses (i.e. covid). That study was later panned as severely flawed. The irony of that is when I tried to search on that study the antivirus on my PC blocked me from going to an "untrustworthy" site. So no, it appears masks don't prevent transmission of viruses. It should also be fairly obvious when government & medical sites reference masks, they say "can" and "may" prevent or it is "widely believed." Those are all code for 'there no data currently available to support the statement.' In the case of viruses it means they have no data to show that they slow or stop virus transmission. If masks worked they would say, "masks prevent the spread of..." or "when used properly, masks will prevent...." They don't say that because they can't. It certainly feels good to try to do something simple to prevent from getting sick and getting others sick, but likely the best thing to do to stay healthy (prevent infection) is to stay healthy (eat healthy, exercise, get good rest, etc).

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If you do not believe in the alleged viruses, there is even less reason to be compliant.

The virus myth is the perfect boogeyman. It’s the invisible enemy that takes the blame for any illness misunderstood by the medical community and the masses. Label an illness as caused by a virus and the masses repeat the story ad infinitum. Religion uses the same techniques.

The consequences are that that label shuts down the conversation and no one cares to investigate the real cause of the illness. And, it creates new profit centers fir Big pHARMa.

Have you ever seen a virus? Nah. Me, neither. And none have ever been isolated via the gold standard. We just hear stories about them.

Question: if viruses are so real, why do they show us only CGIs as “proof”?

Answer: the STORY is the virus.

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Something to consider: If viruses don't exist then what did the team do that was funded by Boston University when they made a variant of the "virus" which actually *was* deadly (and killed 80% of the test animals)?

While my education has biased me toward believing viruses are real, it is very important that we listen to people like Cowan, Kaufman and Morell and come up with a solid demonstration to prove that viruses are real. We should never just accept that they are real because we were taught that they are and the behavior of the problem fits the model of a virus.

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Well, first of all, these people have a serious integrity problem. They cannot seem to tell the truth.

Since the process of “isolation” yields artifacts with toxic waste, why should we be expected to believe that it is an undetected and unproven “virus” that is causing harm? Can we actually verify what goes on in those facilities or are they telling us what they need to manipulate us into believing them and funding more research?

Just because they include something in their patents doesn’t prove to me that it actually works as claimed., nor is even included in the research or product. It might be just a smokescreen. In short, I do not trust their words.

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And that is the key to critical thinking... not trusting their words. We have to stop and think and consider "Did they really do what they said they did?".

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Aug 30, 2022·edited Aug 30, 2022Author

Read the science: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2006372?query=TOC "We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection." “In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.” "Masks are not only tools, they are also talismans that may help increase health care workers’ perceived sense of safety, well-being, and trust in their hospitals." - it's like wearing a cross to protect you from vampires. (maybe that works, maybe vampires really exist, maybe faith is a good thing) Wear your "talisman" if it makes you feel good, just don't expect science to back it up and don't mandate it as required for participating in society.

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