Having trouble losing weight? It seems, I’ve stumbled upon a diet that is very effective.
Simply take on a task, that has very dire consequences for failure. Seriously, I mean failure is not an option. Throw yourself into that task for months. It’s good if the task pushes you beyond your “physical limits” (what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger right?).
In “Comfort Crisis”, Michael Easter wrote about the strength of humans to accomplish what they didn’t believe to be possible by simply being put in a situation where failure wasn’t an option. Currently I’m living this! My body is complaining such that if I wasn’t in a position such that I have to keep going, I would take a break and rest a bit.
Personal results so far, assuming any of you care and want first hand data: In the past six weeks, I’ve lost nine pounds.
You know you are doing it right when you do get a chance to eat and you devour plain food like a lioness that has just made her first successful hunt in three weeks.
To emphasize a point that I made above: this has to be a long term task on the order of months not days.
As a side benefit, you may discover the joys of life and accomplishment instead of the feedback of “likes” from Social Media. The change from living with Google Home providing whole home music all day long to spending three days without any music is quite intriguing!
The key to this “diet” is being so busy that you don’t have the time to relax like you normally would. I’m not saying you don’t get any relaxation time, just significantly less. Some activities, like sitting here writing this, give you an opportunity to snack and nibble, but if you are busy painting it’s far harder to snack while you are doing it. Also if the environment you are in (new home) isn’t stocked with food then the lack of availability also cuts down snacking.
Too busy to eat, also means you are too busy to shop. So no long luxurious grocery shopping trips buying impulse items. Nope, get to the store, buy exactly what you intended and get back to your task!
Perhaps you are wondering how you can do this yourself? Well, I’m afraid I really can’t recommend it. Jumping off a cliff and learning to fly because there is no other option may lead to some very painful “splats”.
Moving house myself in the next few weeks, and I deliberately chose a house with some obvious rough edges that will need some energy poured into it, in a town where everything is in walkable distance. While this decision was mainly because I know poors won't be able to run cars very much longer, it sounds like a good test bed. I'd report on before, and then after, but the bathroom scales are packed away in one of these here cartons.
Do you feel better for the lost pounds?
I think what you're referring to is 'flow'. I can't remember, let alone spell. the name of the researcher who coined this phrase, but being totally engrossed in something is a fine way to deaden that terrible self-talk and rumination also.
You could always go on a hunger strike to support a cause, like those students at Princeton. But oh...they only lasted 9 days before they had to have the second string tag in so the first string could go eat.