On Friday, August 23, 2024 the USA had to publicly admit that we no longer have free elections.
The USA isn’t a democracy (it never was) and it isn’t a democratic republic anymore. We have an oligarchy, exactly what we criticize the Russians for having. Oligarchy: “a form of government in which a small group of people hold most or all political power”
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. publicly explained why he is withdrawing from the ballot in the “battle states” in order to help Donald Trump defeat Kamala Harris and Tyrant Timmy Walz.
Most of the media improperly phrased this as Kennedy dropping out and Kennedy endorsing Trump.
Kennedy is suspending his campaign. Thus he isn’t wasting anyone’s time or money to continue the difficult struggle. However, he did encourage voters to still vote for him in “red” and “blue” states, but he won’t be on the ballet in the “battleground states”.
Just shy of an hour into his speech, Kennedy said “I want everyone to know that I am not terminating my campaign. I am simply suspending it and not ending it.” He followed this by saying “My name will remain on the ballot In most states, if you live in a blue state, you can vote for me without harming or helping President Trump or Vice President Harris and Red States. The same will apply. I encourage you to vote for me and if enough of you do vote for me and neither of the major party candidates win 270 [electoral] votes, which is quite possible. In fact, today our polling shows them tying it 2 69 to 2 69 and I could conceivably still end up in the White House in a contingent election, but in about 10 battleground states where my presence would be a spoiler, I'm going to remove my name and I've already started that process and urge voters not to vote for me.”
Kennedy is supporting and working with Trump because a victory by the current “Democrats” would be an intolerable continuation of tyranny. Kennedy said: “and now to throw my support to President Trump.” There is a difference (at least in my mind) between endorsing someone and supporting them.
Also Kennedy’s words: “If President Trump is elected and honors his word, the vast burden of chronic disease that now demoralizes and bankrupts, the country will disappear.”
Perhaps more importantly Kennedy said: “We talked about Abraham Lincoln's team of rivals. That arrangement would allow us to disagree publicly and privately and fiercely if need be on issues over which we differ while working together on the existential issues upon which we are in concordance.”
This is why I will vote for Kennedy. The USA needs leaders who can disagree and yet work together. We need candidates that truthfully want a better future, not slick tongued politicians that talk about “joy” while stealing our future from us.
Note that the “Republicans” are not the solution. Republicans, like Democrats come in many flavors. Ronald Reagan promoted fiscal responsibility and a good sensible Republican position. Reagan warned us (Again! How many warnings have we had?) that government is not the solution, government is the enemy. Yet George W. Bush exhibited no such sensibilities. Bush dramatically increased spending and failed to use his veto power for his first six years allowing all kinds of spending bills to be passed. Bush also created the department of “Homeland Security”. Bush also waged the Iraq War.
We have not had a hopeful presidential candidate, that could show citizens that we had a choice other than whomever the Democrats or Republicans chose for us, since 1992 when I ran for US Congress (as a Democrat) and Ross Perot ran for President. Ross Perot was a choice other than the status quo. He did fairly well in a biased system. That seems like a lifetime ago. I’m sure many people haven’t even heard of Ross Perot. Kennedy was poised to do significantly better even with the massive censorship and lawfare waged against him.
Why did I run as a Democrat when I espouse principles primarily associated with Republicans? Because principles and ideas matter, labels don’t! (but the support of a major party is still quite necessary to actually win an election)
With any dark day, full of storms and bad news, there is always the hope of a bright tomorrow. Let’s hope Kennedy’s gamble pays off!
Good analysis John!
Things have gotten so much worse since 1992…