Have you ever found yourself caught in the dilemma of wanting to be a “positive person” yet feeling like if you talk about the good things in your life that you are irritating others or bragging?
Over the course of my life, I’ve found that most people engage in mostly negative conversation. Complaints about weather and health seem to dominate most conversations.
I’m approaching sixty six years old and my health is excellent. Many of us are interested in maintaining our health so it’s a topic I enjoy discussing but I get burnt out listening to other people complain about their health problems, yet being unwilling to actually take responsibility for their own health and do something about it.
Weather? Well, we really don’t have much control over the weather so it seems like overall having a generally positive attitude and enjoying whatever weather the day brings us is better than constantly complaining. People seem to think I’m downright weird for enjoying the physical activity of shoveling snow.
Is part of the problem with the USA (and the world) an overall negative attitude and lack of willingness to take responsibility to do anything to improve the world? It seems most people just want to push the responsibility onto the government (then we complain about how high our taxes are).
A constant complaint is the corruption and waste of our government. Yet now that is actually being addressed (rather than just hot air and empty promises from politicians to do something about it), we suddenly find the media freaking out that something is being done. Seriously? Would you rather it just continued? Sure there will be bumps, ups and downs, some people will get hurt, others will benefit, but from my point of view I’m thrilled to see actual improvement / progress!
Perhaps this is why so many people prefer the company of animals? Even when an animal is complaining (wanting to be fed or wanting attention) we find it cute and understandable.