“Biden Pledges $4 Billion to World Bank Fund for Poorest Countries” – sounds noble eh? The USA is a rich country, we should help out those less fortunate, correct?
This looks to me like more money laundering.
Immediately my mind goes to “Give someone a fish and you feed them for a day, teach them to fish and you feed them for a lifetime.”
Why launder the money through the “World Bank”? Why not visit the countries, identify some project that would benefit them directly and build it for them? A new bridge? A power generating facility? A sewage processing system? A new factory to manufacture something they need and employ people?
There is also something to be said for balancing your own budget before giving money away to other people.
Of course, we could step back and question if it is even the role of our government to provide financial assistance to international banks or foreign countries. That’s not in the constitution anywhere! Maybe this is another case of where our taxes should be cut, our Federal budget balanced and leave it to charitable individuals to spend their money as they see fit? I’m sure Bill Gates and Flip Flop Fauci could use some good publicity, perhaps they should be funding such charitable operations?
I find it very interesting that a lame duck president is pledging BILLIONS of dollars on his way out the door. The puppet masters for poopy pants joe seem to be giving one last middle finger to the American people who are fed up with the left giving tax dollars to ANYBODY BUT the people who provided those dollars in the first place. They don't seem to understand that this is just one reason the people voted against the leftist ways this time around.
“Of course, we could step back and question if it is even the role of our government to provide financial assistance to international banks or foreign countries. That’s not in the constitution anywhere!” 🎯🎯🎯